What is the Probationary Period

The probationary period is a minimum of 3 months to a maximum of 6 months, after which time the Members will vote on your application to join the club. If during the 3-month period you decide not to join our Club all fees paid less $100 will be returned to you.  But if you continue past the 3-month period and then decide not to join, only the initiation fee ($200) less $100 will be returned. If, at the end of the 6-month probationary period you have not been able to meet the requirements of probation, you can continue your probation period but you may be required to pay membership fees to continue into the next calendar year.  

Why do you have a Probationary Period

The purpose of the probationary period is to give the new Member an opportunity to gain firsthand knowledge of the Club and give existing Members a chance get to know the new Member.

What am I expected to do during Probation

We ask that you attend 3 monthly meetings or Club maintenance activities before we vote on your acceptance into the Club. We believe that the best way to become known to the Members and let you get to know the Members is to become involved in the activities associated with our Club. As a Probationary Member you will have the opportunity to make motions and vote at our meetings.

Your opinion and ideas are important to the Club and it is through your participation that we gain insight into your values.

If after you have become familiar with the Club and its Members you wish to become a full Member, you only need to obtain the sponsorship of 2 existing Members and your application will be presented to the Members for their approval. If the Members or the Executive decide against you becoming a full Member, your initiation fee ($200) less $100 will be returned to you. 

Should you want to use your firearms on the range?

Once you become a full Member you will be given access to the Clubhouse and Range. If you own a suitable firearm and possess the necessary permits to transport it to the Range and complete the Collingwood Rod and Gun Club Range Safety Training course you can shoot at the range.

Cost of Range Safety Training Course is $25 Non Refundable

To be a full Member of the Club, attend 4 supervised shoots, complete the Range Safety Training and own a handgun.

($200 Initiation + $235 annual dues + $45 CSSA Membership fee + $25 Range Safety Training + $35 Range Fee)